I know it’s hard…

I know it’s hard letting go of the people you thought were the closest to you but sometimes it’s for the best.. Let me start again and make myself clearer..

This one’s a simple message that can be very challenging and only recently have I needed to listen and put into practice. If something or someone is affecting your wellbeing or getting you down or saying things that have an effect on you no matter how much you explain, then cut them loose, if it’s affecting your wellbeing it isn’t worth it, cut it down and start branching out to new people and things, it’s one of the best pieces of advice I had been given yet I never listened as I was too scared to lose my best friend but now I know how important that is and how much of a difference it makes. So have a think about it! πŸ™‚ Remember, Always Keep Fighting! πŸ™‚

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